
● Reign Over Me 從心開始


在灰暗的城市中,彷若鬼魂飄移在街上的男子 - Charlie
擁有美滿家庭,高收入工作卻陷入群眾間孤獨的男子 - Johnson



他們在街道上相遇了,Johnson 看著 Charlie 原本預期會看到心傷的瘡疤,但他卻發現 Charlie 不再認得他,不再是牙醫,即使他們曾是醫學院的同寢室室友。Charlie 的行徑很怪異,他總是一個人戴著大耳機不停地聽著音樂,不斷地翻修廚房,回到家只顧著打電動,半夜去看二輪電影直到天亮,他只活在自己的世界尋樂。Johnson 一開始是因為關心而接近他,後來發現與 Charlie 一起可以讓他暫時從家庭的束縛中逃開,擁有自己的自由。



movie_reignoverme.jpg Regin over me 從心開始

○自我封鎖的 Charlie

Johnson 慢慢瞭解到 Charlie是為了躲避失去所有家人的悲傷而躲入自己的世界。Charlie 原本正常的人生變成颳著暴雪的黑暗大地,他只好將自己鎖起來,假裝遺忘掉一切,只要有人想要提到他的過去,就像刺蝟一樣的反擊,因為他怕被拉回狂暴風雪中。Johnson 試著溫和的幫助他,找來心理醫生 Angela ( Liv Tyler 飾),終於讓 Charlie 打開心門,在淚水中道出了那一天...911


Charlie 的怪異行徑最後都一一有了解答,每個原因都令人心碎。Charlie 很在意 Johnson 踏入他家時一定要脫鞋子,因為這是他絕不嘮叨的妻子對他唯一的要求;他不斷地翻修廚房,因為他與妻子最後的對話竟是為了翻修廚房爭吵;他回到家只顧打電動,因為他能看到妻女在家裡每個角落生活的影像...


電影敘事的手法是對比,Johnson 是一個擁有一切的男人;Charlie 是一個在911事件中失去一切的男人。這兩個鮮明的對比卻交織在一起,對比出 Charlie 失去的是多麼珍貴的一切,也讓 Johnson 重新領悟要珍惜妻子的愛。

沒想到演喜劇有名的 Adam Sandler 竟能將深沉的痛演得如此傳神,劇情如燃著溫火的引線將最後的悲傷一次引爆。片末心中刺痛不斷,在睡前回想起片段劇情都會勾起情緒。



Simple man - Graham Nash

I am a simple man
so I sing a simple song
never been so much in love
and never hurt so bad at the same time.

I am a simple man
and I play a simple tune
I wish that I could see you
once again across the room like the first time.

I just want to hold you
I don't want to hold you down
I hear what you're saying
and you're spinning my head around
and I can't make it alone.

The ending of the tale is the singing of the song
make me proud to be your man
only you can make me strong like the last time.

I just want to hold you
I don't want to hold you down
I hear what you're saying
and you're spinning my head around
and I can't make it alone.



Love Reign Over Me - Pearl Jam

Only love
Can make it rain
The way the beach
Is kissed by the sea
Only love
Can make it rain
Like the sweat of lovers
Layin' in the fields

Reign o'er me

Reign o'er me
Rain on me
Rain on me

Only love
Can bring the rain
That makes you yearn
To the sky
Only love
Can bring the rain
That falls like tears
From all high

Reign o'er me
Rain on me
Rain on me

Reign o'er me
Rain on me
Rain on me

On the dry and dusty road
The nights we spent apart alone
I need to get back home
To cool cool rain

I can't sleep and I lay and I think
The night is hot and black as ink
Woo Oh God I need a drink
Of cool cool rain

Reign o'er me
Rain over me
Over me
Over me

Reign o'er me
On me


